Public Sale
General details
Ticker: TFI
Contract: 0x601a2f87a7e40f506d33fe817daa0aa4f6d18598
Total Tokens (Genesis): 40,000 TFI
Hard cap: 1,000,000 USD
Soft cap: 300,000 USD
Total Tokens for Sale: 10,000 TFI
No. of tokens
Token price
Poll size
Pool 1
90 USD
360,000 $
Pool 2
110 USD
660,000 $
Pool 1 — 90$ per TFI Pool 2 — 110$ per TFI Listing price — 150$ per TFI Pools duration: 7 day
Usage of funds
Marketing — 10% will be spent on marketing expenses and the project’s promotion.
Developers Fund — 15% will be spent on attracting and incentivizing developers to use, improve, and build their products within the Tauri ecosystem.
Product development — 40% will be spent on developing the Tauri platform.
Liquidity — 25% will be spent on the liquidity to secure 1 TFI 150 USD initial ratio.
CEX listings — 10% will be used to list TFI on top exchanges.
Last updated
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